Unique but buggy and sterile
This game has a lot of bugs. In the first level, I stayed at the rightmost part of the screen and got shot up into the air by an appearing block. Then I was able to run on the sky for a long time until I jumped and fell back down.
On the circular level, if I positioned myself in a certain place, the spikes NEVER appeared under me.
On the boss, I lost my last life when I was hit by a seismic wave thing that was at least 15-20 pixels away from me. Nice. I love losing because a game programmer can't do hit collision well.
And, all that was on ONE PLAY-THROUGH.
Aside from that though, there are some really interesting ideas being poorly presented here. I think making a sequel and actually spending some time on polish would be a good idea, so you can show people how your ideas look when not hampered by bugs and an overly-minimalist design.